Child Support
Oregon has a child support calculator that determines guideline child support based on a formula that considers several factors. These factors include, but are not limited to:
· Each party’s gross monthly income;
· Each party’s payment or receipt of spousal support;
· The parenting schedule;
· Work-related child care expenses; and
· The cost of health insurance.
If a parent’s income is derived from something other than a paycheck, such as self-employment income, rental income or investments, correctly determining gross monthly income can be tricky. Sometimes the court will allow a deviation from guideline child support, which means an amount other than the guideline amount. Child support may continue until a child reaches the age of 18, or the age of 21 if the child is attending school. I can help you establish child support and evaluate whether your case requires a look beyond this formula to properly establish child support.
Here is the link to the Oregon Child Support Guidelines Calculator: